Carve through the noise.

Choose from one of our three flagship courses.

Supporting you through each phase of your career.

Consulting Skills Bootcamp

No matter your educational background, work experience, or personality traits, our flagship ASCENT course will equip you with the critical thinking, problem solving and interpersonal skills you need to thrive in any role or context.

Career Path Planning

Unsure of where your career is going, or whether it's even possible to find work that is meaningful and profitable? PATHFINDER helps you identify your North Star and puts you in the driver's seat of your career.
[Coming soon]

Trust-Based Leadership

You have experience managing teams, but now you're ready to level up as a leader who empowers and unites others toward a brighter vision of the future. TRAILBLAZER helps you lead with clarity, confidence, and purpose.
[Coming soon]

The Consulting Skills Bootcamp 

Over the course of 10 modules, you will acquire the tools, mindsets and behaviours possessed by elite performers across a range of sectors and disciplines.

Adapted from the world of strategy consulting, this consulting skills bootcamp will equip you with adaptive problem solving skills, along with new networks and relationships to help you level up your performance.

  • 10 Live Sessions

  • 18 Quizzes and Assignments

  • Downloadable Templates & Resources

  • Peer Coaching 

  • 10 interactive workbooks

  • Bonus: MS Excel & PowerPoint tutorials

Write your awesome label here.

Summer 2024 ASCENT Cohort is now
open for registration

Aug 6 - Oct 8
- 9:00 am to 12:30 pm EDT

10 weeks
- 3.5 hrs/module/week
- 30 min/week independent work

- Virtual
- Multi sector

# Participants
 - 8 Min.
- 20 Max.

If you are a charity or small business, contact us for our discounted rates.

For in-house cohorts,
contact us.